SCA News: Climate emergency

Impact of climate change on Highland Region

Highland Adapts, a partnership of nine agencies in Highland Region, has published the first report on Economic Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the Highland Region. Climate-related flooding, wildfires, risks to the energy sector, salmon production and forestry...

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Wind Farms

Cllr Helen Crawford (Aird & Loch Ness) placed a motion before the full meeting of the Highland Council on Thursday 19th September calling for a radical overhaul of the way communities and the Highland Council are involved in the multitude of planning applications...

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Skye Wind Farms

The Highland Council are expected to consider Balmeanach Wind Farm (next to the existing Edinbane wind farm) at their Planning Meeting on 10th September. For information on this, and other Skye wind farms and associated projects see the Skye Windfarm Information Group...

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Stoking the fires with fossil fuels

by Anne MacLennan Skye may not have been overly warm this summer, but the world hit its hottest day ever recorded, in July as we hear of yet more wildfires, heatwaves, floods and damaging storms. So we should be pulling out all the stops to stop the warming? Well,...

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Climate: good news and bad news

by Anne MacLennan Global temperatures are predicted to reduce a little from later this year, possibly for a few years, but while that could bring some temporary relief, it doesn't mean we can relax efforts to bring down greenhouse gas emissions asap. The underlying...

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