Hearst & Gaither South Skye celebrated food from field to fork in two events for the finale of the Highlands and Island Climate Festival on 30th September. An Crùbh's Community Festival featured crofters Susan Walker and Gavin Parson who explained how they grow,...
SCA News: Climate Fèis
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Highland Climate Festival, 25th June – 4th July 2022
The #HighlandClimateFestival is taking place from Saturday 25th June to Sunday 3rd July 2022. The event will celebrate and engage communities, businesses and public sector throughout the region in climate action.
Lochcarron Climate Fèis, 26th March
Support Lochcarron’s Climate Fèis, and join the conversation about how to reduce consumption and generate less waste, while enjoying the opportunity to come together after the difficulties of the last two years.
Climate Fèis : March update
CLIMATE FÈIS : SKYE, RAASAY AND LOCHALSH has been busy over the last few weeks. We have contacted
Climate Fèis: Skye, Raasay & Lochalsh
News about our planned Climate Festival to raise awareness and highlight the importance of the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP26).