Sep 4, 2024 | Food & farming

ReRoot Film Club and news

On August 9th, we watched Seed: the untold story, an award-winning documentary exploring the reasons for, and implications of, losing 94% of seed diversity. There were also inspiring stories of work to nurture remaining diversity around the world.

Chef John Coghill, from the Hebridean Inn, provided delectable finger food available before the screening, and Jo Royle facilitated discussion afterwards on reactions to the film and its relevance to us.

Potential future activities for ReRoot were suggested including several already on the wish list such as hosting events throughout the year appropriate to the season and drawing up calendars of ‘what to do’ in relation to the growing cycle and foraging. Supporting local food businesses, sourcing local or heritage seed and raising awareness of ReRoot to encourage local food production and use were also important.

Other ideas were to start a local seed bank, and to take part in seed trials as run by Garden Organic. Community food sufficiency rather than self-sufficiency was discussed, as well as what we can do to be Good Ancestors to future generations.

See the easy-read, illustrated Impact Report for reactions to the film and a summary of its themes.



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