Healthy Homes update – volunteers welcome

simple drawing of a smiling house in green and whiteAn update on our Healthy Homes project: working towards  ‘Healthy homes, a healthy economy and a healthy planet in Skye and Lochalsh.’

The steering group is finalising the questionnaire about housing condition and energy use. All householders across Skye and Lochalsh will be invited to respond to the questionnaire early next year. This survey is really important as a baseline for understanding the characteristics of our housing. With this data, we can compare the situation here with elsewhere in Scotland, and specific plans can be made to remedy damp or energy inefficient homes and to access the necessary funding.

There will be plenty of information about the survey in the coming weeks, so expect to hear and read about it. We need volunteers – artists, writers, designers, social media users, admin & communications people and community members – to help with designing and putting up posters, arranging community meetings, publicising the survey through social media and other channels, and generally helping to get the word out. We want everyone to know that the questionnaire is coming and why it is important to complete. The steering group is very keen to get feedback on the plan and the process.

Please get in touch if you can help with spreading the word about the Healthy Homes survey  – whether just for a day, or for a few days over three or four weeks – or to share your views or experiences. Contact or

