Healthy Homes for Skye, Raasay and Lochalsh is live! Take the survey.

simple drawing of a smiling house in green and white


Click for the household survey.

Click for the trades survey.


Over the last month we have been busy on the Healthy Homes project, finalising the questionnaires, fundraising and preparing publicity materials. The project will officially launch on Monday 6th March, with a publicity drive led by our new communications coordinator Ellie MacLennan. Look out for press coverage, radio interviews, posters, leaflets and banners, and help spread the word. Ellie will also be meeting community members at warm hubs and other venues across our area to give more information about the project.

What is the Healthy Homes project?
As you’ll remember from previous posts, the Healthy Homes project involves an online survey across Skye & Lochalsh to get information on housing conditions – draughts, insulation, fuel use, energy costs and the problems people face in keeping their homes warm and dry. There’s a parallel survey for builders, contractors and DIY people to find out what the obstacles are to getting home upgrades done here. The aim is to use the survey reports to understand what is needed in terms of training, incentives, supply chains, and funding to support a local retrofit sector in Skye, Raasay & Lochalsh, with potentially lots of green jobs for a long time!

Take the survey
We encourage everyone to take the household survey; whether your house is in good condition or not, the information will help build up an accurate picture of the situation in our area. The survey takes 10 minutes to complete and is anonymous. If you want to give further feedback there is a contact form that is separate from your survey responses.

Click for the household survey.

The more people who participate, the better the information gathered about the problems people are facing, and the stronger the case we can make for government, agencies and businesses to get involved in developing local solutions.

To help us reach as many households as possible, please share the link with your friends and family, including through your personal social media.

If you need a paper copy, please contact Ellie.

If you are involved in DIY, building, trades, contracting, architecture or other aspects of the construction profession, please also take our survey for trades, and share the link with colleagues.

Who is backing the Healthy Homes project?
Home Energy Scotland has adopted the project as a pilot, and is funding the communications coordinator post. Lochalsh and Skye Housing Association is the project partner and is contributing funding as well as extensive energy advice experience. Other funders include Scottish Communities Climate Action Network,  Highlands and Islands Climate Hub and Sleat Community Trust, with support in kind given by Built Environment-Smarter Transformation Scotland, Changeworks Scotland and Local Energy Scotland. Highland Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and community groups and organisations have given advice and encouragement.

How you can help
As well as sharing the survey links with friends, family and social media, we need volunteers to help put up posters and distribute leaflets in all corners of Skye and Lochalsh.

If you can help with this in your local area, please contact Ellie.

For more information see the Healthy Homes website.

