Mar 12, 2021 | COP26, Youth

Young climate campaigners seek funds to build on Mock COP26 success

screenshot of youth climate activists meeting Alok Sharma online

In November 2020 more than 350 young campaigners in 150 countries met virtually in a Mock COP26 event to decide on action to tackle climate change. They produced a unified global statement from the youth of the world, outlining their demands for ambitious and equitable climate action. Watch their four minute piece on C4 news showing that young people can develop progressive and ambitious polices. They have also won some favour with UK Government officials and have a good working relationship with the COP26 team.

The Mock COP team is now seeking support to maximise the impact of their work in the run up to COP26 in November 2021. They are looking for an additional £15,000 in funding to continue with Phase 2. These funds will go towards providing micro-grants for Mock COP26 delegates and youth climate activists across the world to carry out regional advocacy work, mobilise more youth and to engage their elected representatives on the Mock COP26 treaty asks.

Visit the Mock COP Phase 2 Crowdfunder here, and support the team if you are able to. Contact if you would like to discuss collaboration or other support.

