SCA News: Worldwide

Plastic pollution

by Anne MacLennan Plastic pollution is a serious global problem. The planet is littered with plastic from mountain tops to the deep ocean. Plastic production, from fossil fuels, aggravates climate change; Big Oil’s current plans to ramp up production could be...

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A tax on climate injustice

by Anne MacLennan ‘Climate change is a war. A category five hurricane releases energy equivalent to 10,000 times the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. Those countries on the path of hurricanes and cyclones and submerging coasts are on the front line.’ The...

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Plastic recycling is a big con

by Anne MacLennan There is a crisis of plastic pollution, affecting oceans and waterways, soil, air and wildlife. Microplastics are also now a part of the human diet. The Center for Climate Integrity blames the petrochemical and plastics industries as it details an...

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